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We participated! The initiative Green Skills: Shaping the Future

Posted by Alex 12/04/2024 0 Comment(s) Νέα,

We participated!
The initiative Green Skills: Shaping the Future , was held with great success! #greatjob #welldoneteam #greeninnovation #sustainablefuture

Co-organized by Envinow.gr & MiMEC, with the invaluable support of the UNESCO Chair on Green Innovation & Circular Economy of NTUA, AA Alarm, ELKEME SA and Foodpassion.

Highlighting green skills and the necessity for people with suitable professional experience to lead the green transition.
180+ Submissions
90+ Attendees
30 Trainees

For AA ALARM is always a pleasure to participate in such an impactful event 

#thankyouteam #congrats
#keepmovingforward #goodjob #successfulevent #greenfuture #sustainabilitymatters